"We Were Dreamers '80s" - New Single from "Unreleased: Earlier Work" is out now!

We Were Dreamers ‘80s

I wrote this song in the late ‘80s about an eye-opening experience with intolerance that I had in the ‘70s. An idealistic young black woman, I was the lead singer in a band that was driving to a gig in the American Southwest, when the dream of freedom and equality that I shared with my generation, suddenly came into question. “In our stunned silence we looked askance. We gazed out the window at that great expanse that had invited us to right the wrongs, improve our circumstance. We Were Dreamers."

Listen on all major streaming platforms now!

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/50vhyME6P3HabyPcMTPZyW?si=DteV18ReTZGqCdDSzSCB-Q

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHQQbVThwzw

Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/album/we-were-dreamers-80s-single/1557611129

SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/sharonrobinsonmusic/we-were-dreamers-02

Sharon Robinson